GP missed signs of colorectal cancer

Gary’s story is based on a real case of medical misdiagnosis which resulted in a severe tumor being undetected. Gary was having some stomach pain so he initially went to see his GP who diagnosed the pain as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). He visited his GP regularly for the next 2 years and eventually was…

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Medical misdiagnosis – it’s more common than you think.

The big cases are often seen in the news headlines, however it is smaller instances of medical misdiagnosis and negligence that often go unreported and in some cases, the victims are unaware they have experienced it at all. From out of date or incorrect advice, prescribing the wrong medication or failing to listen to all…

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Medical misdiagnosis – When should you seek a second opinion?

Doctors and medical providers are highly trained and work hard to provide health services for their community. However, like any profession, mistakes can happen and it is important to know how to identify an instance of medical negligence, what to do and when you might need to seek legal help. What is medical misdiagnosis? Medical…

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